Various - Summer Hits (Original Hitversions Vol.1)

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Various - Summer Hits (Original Hitversions Vol.1)

Columbia - 5C 048-24700, Columbia - 5CO 48.24 700
Vinyl, LP, Compilation
Rock, Pop
Pop RockA1- The Cats - Let's Dance 3:30
A2- Hurricane Smith - Don't Let It Die 2:30
A3- The Hollies - Long Cool Woman 3:18
A4- Blue Mink - Count Me In 3:30
A5- Brainbox - A Part Of Me Is A Part Of You 4:48
A6- The Fortunes - Freedom Come, Freedom Go 3:19
A7- Helen Reddy - No Sad Song 3:12

B1- Focus - Sylvia 3:32
B2- Blue Mink - Banner Man 3:28
B3- Gilbert O'Sullivan - I Wish I Could Cry 3:35
B4- Monica & The Voices Of Freedom - Paula 2:28
B5- McGuinness Flint - When I'm Dead And Gone 3:41
B6- Deep Purple - Fireball 3:24